
1 Mar

I went to my second #trulondon event last week.
I always love Bills events, you get so much knowledge from like minded people and a massive amount of Hugs with an overdose of Pic N Mix. However it was different going this time with a job and knowing a vast proportion of people attending and doing tracks.
Last year I attended based on the strength of one blog post alone that Bill stumbled upon and I can’t thank him enough for is constant support.You all know I write in narratives, so here is what trulondon stuck with me from the day.

How do you make a company social?
As rightly stated by a non-attendee get a water machine!! Most people are social beings, we like being around people, we all want to be wanted and maybe none more than most those of us who really actively engage in social media but as a business we are often restricted by what the business wants us to do,say,be! We get caught up in corporate broadcasting that we forget it’s called ‘social’ media for a reason! Let your people be social and advocate for your business.

Next big topic – Is the CV dead?
Well in my book not sure if it’s dead or not but there was a great impression of policeman plod when asked to sit or stand if we through the id the CV is dead. This left a group of sat on the shelf about this hovering between standing and sitting when asked.
It would seem that while we use to traditional CV’s as they laying out our skills.
(Our linkedin does the same thing providing it’s kept unto date)
There is an on-going debate about finding emotionally intelligent employees and talent.
I don’t think this can always be found of just a CV and while candidates are getting savvy with YouTube applications and twitter campaigns of which I was one.
If recruitment is going to change it needs to also change how the information is displayed or with all the best intentions in the world those quirky CV’s, youtube clips out quite often don’t have an impact. That is no fault of the applicant but the process.

I still think we are missing some of the ‘social’ in social recruitment that we are driven by finds on linkedin rather the quality of find. We are often missing the ‘do’er’ which I refer to in the blog that got me recognised by Bill ‘When I grow up I want to be’

I can’t say that it’s any more fun being on this side of the fence then it is when you are job hunting but I can say that build up a support network no matter how you go about it there are days when it feels like crap for both parties!
Remember that getting a job is like dating you both need to get something from it.

3 Responses to “#Trulondon”

  1. Doug Shaw March 1, 2012 at 10:35 am #

    A year is a long time….

    I met you at the 2011 #trulondon and enjoyed spending time with you that day. It’s interesting to read your different (and yet no more or less fun) perspective from ‘the other side of the fence’. Glad you enjoyed 2012.

    Catch up soon – Doug

    • rambling southern monkey March 1, 2012 at 1:42 pm #

      Don’t worry I haven’t changed that much since the summer 🙂 Still think pretty much the same but knowledge is power and learning is good. Catch you at the next tweet up?


  1. Round-up of #trulondon 5 content | itsdevelopmental.com - March 1, 2012

    […] Jules provides her review of #trulondon […]

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